You are invited to make a Exquisite Corpse of the Unknown Veteran drawing.
To make an exquisite corpse drawing, the first artist "draws" the head and passes the corpse on to another artist of their choosing, who in turn, without viewing the prior artist's drawing, draws the body, and then passes the corpse on to a third artist, who again without viewing the prior artists' drawings contributes the legs and feet. This historic exploratory process has been slightly modified for the Exquisite Corpse of the Unknown Veteran project. To make an Exquisite Corpse of the Unknown Veteran drawing simply follow the below instructions.
Step 1. Choose your veteran subject:
Your drawing can be the corpse of anyone who has served in the military—whether they served in a war or not, whether they are alive or dead, whether you know them or not. Your corpse may be the corpse of someone who died or was injured, someone who you are grateful did not die or get injured, someone that is famous or a historical figure, someone who you are close to or someone you're not, someone who served in the U.S. military or in the military of any other country. We are using the widest definition of veteran.
Write the name of your veteran subject down on a piece of paper with a short explanation of why you choose this person. Add your name and the media you are using on to be passed along to the next artist, who will write down their name and media information before passing to the final artist.
Step 2. Pick the next artists:
The first artist picks the second artist, the second artist picks the third artist, and the third artist scans the drawing and emails Aaron Hughes.
Step 3. Choose your media:
You are welcome to use any two-dimensional media you like including; ink, graphite, paint, collage, printmedia and/or photography. We are using the broadest definition of drawing. We simply ask artists keep their drawing flat enough that they can successfully document it using a scanner.
Step 4. Prepare your paper:
Choose the paper that is best for your media. Tear or cut your paper down to the overall proportions of 1 high x 3 wide and then fold this piece of paper into three equal square sections. For example: A 3 inches high x 9 inches wide sheet should be folded down into three 3 inch sections; or a 10 inches high x 30 inches wide sheet should be folded down into three 10 inch section.
Step 5. Make your drawing:
Exquisite corpses are most commonly drawn vertically, as standing figures, although they have always been produced in other orientations. For this project, we ask that you render the figure of your corpse in a horizontal, or supine, position.
You can start drawing on the left or right, as you wish. The first draws the head, covers up their section, and then passes the corpse on to the second artist of their choosing, who in turn, without viewing the prior artist's drawing, draws the body, and then passes the corpse on to a third artist, who again without viewing the prior artists' drawings contributes the legs and feet.
Step 6. Document your drawing and share it with the Exquisite Corpse of the Unknown Veteran project:
The third artist should scan the drawing as a TIFF file at no less then 600dpi. Then email project co-organizer Aaron Hughes (aarhughes at the TIFF file with the list of artists, media, and a the name of the veteran subject and information of why the first artist choose that particular veteran.
The drawing will be reviewed by the project organizers before posting.
We look forward to seeing your Exquisite Corpse of the Unknown Veteran drawings.